The Last Bear - Session 9 - Prediction

Year 5
The Last Bear - Session 9 - Prediction
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In Session 9 of 'The Last Bear', the narrative reaches a pivotal moment where April, after hearing Bear's story, is compelled to make a vow to take action. This session is designed to engage students in the art of prediction, encouraging them to put themselves in April's shoes and contemplate the possible steps she could take to fulfill her promise. The task prompts students to articulate what they believe April's next move should be, fostering creative thinking and empathy towards the characters.

The exercise not only asks for a prediction but also requires a rationale, pushing students to delve deeper into their understanding of the story, its themes, and the motivations of its characters. By writing down their thoughts and reasoning, students practice critical thinking and narrative analysis. This activity serves as a bridge between the reader and the text, allowing students to interact with the storyline on a personal level and anticipate future events based on the context provided thus far in the story.