The Explorer - Session 27 - Word Workshop

Year 5
The Explorer - Session 27 - Word Workshop
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

AI generated

The 'Word Workshop' is an educational activity aimed at enhancing vocabulary skills among KS2 students. This particular session focuses on exploring different aspects of selected words, such as their meanings, usage in sentences, modifications through prefixes or suffixes, and identifying synonyms and antonyms. For example, the word "bellowed" could be examined for its meaning (to shout loudly), used in a sentence ("The coach bellowed instructions to the players"), modified (e.g., "bellowing" for present continuous tense), and explored for synonyms ("shouted", "roared") and antonyms ("whispered").

Another word, "blur", would be dissected to understand its meaning (to make or become unclear or less distinct), used in a sentence ("The rain caused the landscape to blur before her eyes"), and modified (e.g., "blurred" for past tense). Synonyms like "smudge" or "obscure" and antonyms such as "sharpen" or "clarify" would be discussed. Similarly, words like "hordes" (a large group of people), "interpret" (to explain the meaning of information or actions), "embrace" (to hold someone closely in one's arms), "bustle" (to move energetically and noisily), "recognition" (acknowledgement or identification of something), "elaborate" (involving many carefully arranged parts or details), "distrust" (the feeling that someone or something cannot be relied upon), and "respectable" (regarded by society to be good, proper, or correct) would all be explored in this comprehensive and engaging word study session.