The Explorer - Session 26 - Prediction

Year 5
The Explorer - Session 26 - Prediction
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In Session 26 of 'The Explorer', an intriguing question is posed to engage young minds: "Will the children's plane reach Manaus?" This session is designed to encourage students to make predictions and consider the possible outcomes of the story's unfolding events. By asking them to hypothesize about the fate of the characters' journey, the activity fosters critical thinking and imaginative engagement with the narrative. Students are prompted to record their thoughts and predictions, providing a personal touch to their learning experience as they invest in the characters' adventure.

The session's structure allows for a creative and reflective exercise, where each student can articulate their individual expectations for the story's progression. They are given space to write their name and share their unique perspective on whether the children's plane will successfully arrive at its intended destination of Manaus. This prediction activity not only enhances reading comprehension but also encourages students to become active participants in the storytelling process, engaging with the plot and making connections based on the information provided in previous sessions.