The Explorer - Session 23 - My Thoughts

Year 5
The Explorer - Session 23 - My Thoughts
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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The Explorer, Session 23, titled "My Thoughts," prompts students to engage in a reflective and analytical exercise, encouraging them to consider the potential dangers faced by the characters on their journey to Manaus. This session is designed to stimulate critical thinking as students are asked to ponder the perils that could arise during the adventure and to evaluate the likelihood of the children's survival. Such an activity not only deepens their understanding of the narrative but also invites them to empathize with the characters by imagining themselves in similar circumstances.

In response to the session's questions, students are expected to articulate their thoughts on the various challenges that the journey may present. They must consider environmental hazards, wildlife encounters, and the resourcefulness required to navigate through unknown territories. This introspective task serves as an opportunity for students to demonstrate their comprehension of the story's setting and the inherent risks of the expedition. The exercise also allows students to express their personal opinions and predictions, which can later be compared with the story's outcomes, thereby enhancing their engagement with the text and developing their analytical skills.