The Explorer - Session 12 - Prediction

Year 5
The Explorer - Session 12 - Prediction
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In "The Explorer" Session 12, an intriguing scenario is presented where children embark on a journey down a river on a raft in search of assistance. This session invites students to engage their imagination and predictive skills to foresee the possible outcomes of the children's adventurous quest. The activity stimulates critical thinking as it asks students to consider various factors such as the river's conditions, the challenges they might encounter, and the interactions between the characters. By making predictions, students not only delve into the narrative but also practice inference and anticipation, key components of reading comprehension.

Students are encouraged to write down their predictions, providing them with an opportunity to articulate their thoughts and expectations. This exercise serves as a platform for creative expression and discussion. As they hypothesize about the children's fate on the raft, students will be able to explore themes of teamwork, survival, and the unpredictability of nature. This session is designed to not only enhance literacy skills but also to foster a deeper connection with the story as students eagerly await to see if their predictions align with the unfolding events in subsequent chapters.