The Explorer - Session 6 - Worksheet

Year 5
The Explorer - Session 6 - Worksheet
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

AI generated

During Session 6 of 'The Explorer', the focus is on the theme of 'Fire' and offers an array of interactive and thought-provoking activities for KS2 students. The session starts with discussion questions that encourage students to reflect on the dynamics within the group of characters, particularly focusing on Fred's hesitation to use his watch for fire-making and Con's evolving personality. These discussions aim to deepen students' understanding of the characters' relationships and their development throughout the narrative.

The reading activities are diverse and engaging, including the continuation of a timeline to chart the story's events, drawing the fire setting, and analysing the character of Con through additional resources. Additionally, students will tackle reading comprehension questions to further their grasp of the text. In grammar and punctuation, the worksheet directs students to hunt for examples of direct speech, modal verbs, pronoun usage, and comma placement within clauses. The 'Words to Workshop' section introduces them to a rich vocabulary, including words like 'optimistic', 'temperament', and 'surreptitiously', enhancing their language skills and comprehension.

Writing opportunities are abundant and creative, ranging from composing rainforest-themed poetry, inspired by renowned authors, to crafting instructions for making pancakes or building a fire. Students are also prompted to write explanatory texts on how chocolate is made from cocoa beans and engage in discussions about the characters' decisions in the story. The worksheet suggests cross-curricular links that tie the session's theme to subjects such as science, computing, history, geography, art, design technology, music, physical education, and personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), thereby providing a holistic educational experience that transcends traditional subject boundaries.