Brightstorm - Session 6 - Chapter 7 & 8 - Worksheet

English Resource Description
Within the educational resource "Brightstorm" for Key Stage 2, Session 6 delves into Chapters 7 and 8, titled "Lucky Spoon" & "Harriet Culpepper". This session offers a range of discussion questions that encourage students to critically engage with the characters and plot developments. Students are prompted to consider whether the protagonists, Arthur and Maudie, should trust the character Felicity Wiggety, and to explore the narrative purpose behind the introduction of new characters. The session also asks students to reflect on the unsuccessful interview at the chapter's close and to think about the characters' next steps.
To complement the discussion, the session includes a variety of reading activities, such as extending a timeline with significant events, conducting a character analysis of Felicity Wiggety, forming first impressions of Welby and Harriet, and dramatising the interview with Harriet to improve Arthur and Maudie's impression. The worksheet also incorporates a grammar and punctuation section, focusing on direct speech, hyphens, dashes, expanded noun phrases, and the use of informal and formal language. A selection of vocabulary words is provided for a workshop to enhance students' linguistic skills. Writing opportunities are abundant, with tasks like crafting diary entries from the perspective of different characters, composing persuasive letters, and creating a leaflet for Harriet's house as if it were for sale. The session also outlines cross-curricular links, connecting the themes of the book to subjects such as science, history, geography, computing, and personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education, providing a holistic learning experience.