Lady of Shalott - Learning Objectives

Year 5
Lady of Shalott - Learning Objectives
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In a comprehensive learning plan for Year 5 students during Spring Term 1, the core text is Alfred Lord Tennyson's "Lady of Shalott". This unit is designed to intertwine with historical studies of the Anglo-Saxons, providing a rich context for the children's learning. The intended written outcomes of the unit include creating narratives with flashbacks, crafting persuasive arguments, writing in role, recounting experiences, and producing informative texts and descriptions. These diverse writing styles aim to enhance the pupils' ability to express themselves clearly and creatively across various forms of writing.

The learning objectives are meticulously structured across several key areas, including spoken language, reading, writing composition, and grammar and vocabulary. Students are expected to give opinions with reasons, perform their compositions, and use Standard English effectively. The reading component focuses on understanding narrative techniques, exploring character development, and engaging with figurative language. Writing objectives emphasize the importance of coherent paragraph structure, audience awareness, and the use of flashbacks in narrative to provide depth to stories. In grammar and vocabulary, the emphasis is on the use of relative clauses, appropriate punctuation, and modal verbs and adverbs to refine their writing. Through these objectives, students will gain a deeper appreciation of literary texts and develop their analytical and writing skills.

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