Writing to Persuade - Lesson 1 - Purpose of the Text PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Writing to Persuade - Lesson 1 - Purpose of the Text PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The first lesson in a series on persuasive writing delves into understanding the purpose of a text and how it shapes the content and language used. The objective is to teach students that the reason behind a piece of writing is critical, as it influences every aspect from the structure to the vocabulary chosen. For instance, when asked to write a magazine article with the aim of convincing children to eat more healthily, recognising this purpose is vital for the success of the piece. The lesson emphasises that a writer must consistently align their work with its intended purpose from start to finish, ensuring that the final product is appropriate for the task at hand.

Exploring the realm of persuasive writing, the lesson introduces students to various techniques that can help achieve their goal of influencing others. It covers how to construct arguments and use language effectively to persuade readers. Students are presented with examples of persuasive writing, including advertisements, speeches, and letters, each requiring a different approach depending on the form and audience. For persuasive letters, the lesson advises on the appropriate levels of formality, while for adverts, it stresses tailoring the style to the target audience. When writing speeches or radio scripts, the use of emotive language and personal pronouns is encouraged to make a dramatic impact. The lesson concludes with a plenary session, reflecting on the key features of the different forms of persuasive writing discussed.

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