Writing to Entertain - Lesson 10 - Original Writing 3 PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Writing to Entertain - Lesson 10 - Original Writing 3 PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Writing to Entertain" lesson plan is an engaging resource that aims to enhance students' creative writing skills by focusing on the use of metaphors. The objectives are clear: for reading, students are expected to recognise how authors use metaphors to create vivid imagery; for writing, they learn to employ metaphors effectively in their own work. The lesson explains that unlike similes, which use 'like' or 'as' to draw comparisons, metaphors state that one thing is another, creating a direct and often more impactful comparison. To illustrate, instead of saying 'the path wound its way through the hills like a snake' (a simile), one could say 'the path snaked its way through the hills' (a metaphor).

Students are cautioned against the use of mixed metaphors, which can confuse the reader and muddle the intended imagery. Examples of metaphors such as 'She broke my heart', 'Time flew by', and 'It was raining cats and dogs' demonstrate how metaphors can convey emotions and actions vividly. The lesson also includes practical exercises where students transform plain sentences into more descriptive ones using metaphors. For instance, 'Lava slithering down a volcano' becomes 'A huge golden snake of lava slithered down the volcano'. Students are then encouraged to share and discuss their metaphorical sentences, providing feedback on their choices. The lesson concludes with a focus on the resolution of a story, emphasising the importance of leaving a lasting impression on the reader and tying up loose ends in the plot.

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