Writing to Entertain - Lesson 5 - Setting the Scene PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Writing to Entertain - Lesson 5 - Setting the Scene PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Writing to Entertain - Lesson 5 - Setting the Scene" PowerPoint from Teacher-of-Primary.co.uk is a valuable resource for students learning to enhance their descriptive writing skills. The lesson's objectives are clear: to understand the use of similes in creating vivid imagery for the reader, to learn how to craft such similes themselves, and to develop the ability to create a richly described setting. The lesson delves into the definition of a simile, explaining it as a comparison between two different things, often linked with the words 'as' or 'like'. Through examples, students are shown how similes can transform a simple sentence into a more evocative and engaging one, thus making the writing more effective and entertaining.

As the lesson progresses, students are cautioned against the use of clichés - overused phrases that have lost their original impact. They are given examples of clichéd similes to avoid and are encouraged to craft fresh, original comparisons. The lesson also emphasizes the importance of selecting the right setting to captivate the reader's attention and set the mood for genres like crime, horror, or mystery. Students are prompted to place their characters in settings that are dangerous, unfamiliar, or threatening to heighten suspense and engage the reader's curiosity. They are tasked with describing their chosen settings in a multi-sensory manner, considering sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, and emotion to bring the scene to life. The lesson concludes with a discussion and plenary where students share their descriptions with a partner, receiving feedback and suggestions for improvement.

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