Writing to Entertain - Lesson 1 - Punctuation Problems Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Writing to Entertain - Lesson 1 - Punctuation Problems Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Are you tangled in a web of punctuation problems? Imagine a scene where the gentle Puck is beckoned by Oberon, but alas, there's not a comma or full stop in sight! The dialogue unfolds in a breathless rush: "Come to me gentle puck called oberon as though by magic the sprite appeared what is your will master he asked fetch me a flower oberon ordered a little flower called love in idleness puck ever curious asked why his master wanted it squeeze the flowers juice on sleeping eyelids the king of the fairies explained and they will fall in love with the next person they see ill fly around the world in forty minutes puck promised and find that flower for you." Without punctuation, the enchanting exchange becomes a puzzling paragraph, leaving readers lost in a maze of run-on sentences.

Our 'Punctuation Problems Worksheet' transforms this chaotic cascade of words into an entertaining challenge. Students are invited to wave their wands over the text, conjuring up the necessary punctuations to breathe life into the dialogue. They'll sprinkle commas to let the characters pause, dot full stops to mark the end of magical commands, and insert question marks to express Puck's inquisitive nature. By the end of the lesson, not only will the sprites' conversation be clear and engaging, but students will also have mastered the art of punctuating dialogue, ensuring that never again will their characters' words jumble together like a spell gone awry.