The Silver Sword - Lesson 13 - The Burgomasters Orders PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
The Silver Sword - Lesson 13 - The Burgomasters Orders PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson 13 of 'The Silver Sword' by Ian Serraillier, students are tasked with a variety of engaging activities to deepen their understanding of the narrative and its characters. The session begins with an objective to complete a table of events for chapters 15 to 19, encouraging students to summarise key plot points and character actions. The lesson then moves on to a focused reading and discussion of chapters 20 and 21, where students explore a poignant scene in which the children interact with Kurt Wolff and his wife, who have lost their sons in the war. This discussion aims to uncover the author's intent and the insights it provides into the characters' lives beyond their roles in the conflict.

Another key objective of the lesson is for students to trace the family's journey across Europe, adding a geographical dimension to their learning and helping them visualise the setting of the story. The creative aspect of the lesson involves students stepping into the shoes of the protagonist, Ruth. They are asked to write a diary entry that captures the events from chapters 19 to 21, reflecting Ruth's growing maturity and her changing perceptions, especially after her experiences with the Wolff family. Students must use the first-person perspective and include personal pronouns, imaginative descriptions, and convey Ruth's thoughts and feelings. The lesson concludes with a plenary where volunteers read their diary entries aloud, and the class offers constructive criticism, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

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