The Silver Sword - Lesson 12 - On the Road PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
The Silver Sword - Lesson 12 - On the Road PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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Lesson 12 of "The Silver Sword" study series, titled "On the Road," is an interactive and engaging session designed to deepen students' understanding of the novel by Ian Serraillier. The lesson's objectives include an assessment of knowledge through a Blockbusters game, a thorough reading and discussion of chapters 18 and 19, and an exploration of how the author uses contrast as a literary device within the narrative. Students are encouraged to think critically about the themes presented in the book, such as war and peace, cruelty and kindness, and the dichotomy between friends and enemies. This lesson is not only about comprehending the text but also about appreciating the nuanced writing style that Serraillier employs to tell this compelling story.

The Blockbusters game is an interactive way to review the novel's content, where the class is divided into two teams competing to answer questions related to the book. This fun activity helps to reinforce the students' recall of the story's details and characters. In addition to the game, the lesson involves reading and discussing specific chapters, where students will examine the significance of Captain Greenwood's statement about the Ten Commandments and the consequences of not adhering to them. The session also includes extension questions that probe deeper into the characters' feelings and motivations, the moral dilemmas they face, and the transformation they undergo as the story unfolds. The lesson concludes with a plenary where students share their findings and discuss the various elements of the story, ensuring a comprehensive wrap-up of the key points covered.

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