The Silver Sword - Lesson 3 - Chapter 4 Warsaw PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
The Silver Sword - Lesson 3 - Chapter 4 Warsaw PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In the third lesson focusing on Ian Serraillier's "The Silver Sword," students delve into Chapter Four, which is set in the city of Warsaw. The lesson's objectives are to help pupils keep track of the unfolding events and to engage them in reading and discussing the chapter. Additionally, the lesson aims to explore the symbolism within the story, encouraging students to think more deeply about the narrative. A table of events is provided to assist students in recording the main happenings, characters involved, and key developments as they progress through the novel. This structured approach aids in reinforcing comprehension and retention of the plot, setting the stage for a more detailed analysis of the text.

The lesson also guides students to consider the author's portrayal of Warsaw, starting with its initial description at the beginning of Chapter Four. Students are tasked with identifying words and phrases that depict the city as a place of desolation and destruction, as well as those that convey a sense of hope and courage. This exercise in contrasting imagery encourages a nuanced understanding of the setting. Furthermore, extension questions prompt learners to reflect on specific details, such as the condition of significant buildings, the protagonist Joseph's personal losses, and the advice he receives. These questions not only deepen students' engagement with the text but also develop their analytical skills by examining character differences, motivations, and the symbolic significance of key objects like the silver sword.

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