The Highwayman - Lesson 13 - Metaphors PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
The Highwayman - Lesson 13 - Metaphors PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In an engaging lesson about metaphors, students delve into the poetic device that enables writers to create vivid imagery in their work. The lesson's objectives are twofold: firstly, to help students recognise how metaphors are used by poets, such as Alfred Noyes in "The Highwayman," to create striking images, and secondly, to teach students how to craft their own metaphors to enhance their writing. Unlike similes, which use words like 'like' or 'as' to make comparisons, metaphors directly state that one thing is another, imbuing the language with a sense of creativity and depth. For example, instead of saying a path winds like a snake (a simile), one could say the path is a snake, winding through the hills (a metaphor).

The lesson continues with examples of metaphors that highlight qualities of the objects being described, such as 'time flew by' or 'it was raining cats and dogs.' Students are then challenged to identify six metaphors within "The Highwayman" and discuss their effects and contributions to the poem with their teacher. To apply their understanding, students create their own metaphorical sentences based on given prompts, such as describing lava flowing down a volcano or a storm assaulting a fishing village. The lesson concludes with a plenary where students share their sentences, explaining the rationale behind their chosen metaphors and the comparisons they've made, thereby demonstrating their grasp of this literary technique.

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