The Highwayman - Lesson 1 - Predictions and Setting PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
The Highwayman - Lesson 1 - Predictions and Setting PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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The first lesson on "The Highwayman" invites students to delve into the world of Alfred Noyes' famous poem by making predictions based on the title and analysing the language used to craft the setting. The objective is to explore how the choice of words contributes to the creation of a specific atmosphere. Students are prompted to consider the images and connotations evoked by the term 'highwayman' and to discuss whether such figures exist in modern times. The lesson then guides students through the initial verses of the poem, encouraging them to identify and highlight language that conjures a ghostly mood.

Through the vivid descriptions of a blustery, moonlit night on the moors, students are introduced to the poem's protagonist, the highwayman, who arrives at an old inn. They are asked to examine his distinctive attire and the dramatic scene of his arrival, tapping on the shuttered windows to the waiting landlord's daughter, Bess. The plenary session leads students to consider whether the author has succeeded in creating a dark and engaging mood. Extension questions further challenge students to dissect the poem's opening line, the metaphor of a 'ghostly galleon', and the poetic techniques employed, such as the use of metaphor in describing the road as a ribbon of moonlight. They are also encouraged to form initial impressions of the highwayman and speculate on his reasons for meeting Bess at night, thereby deepening their understanding of the narrative and its characters.

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