Searching for Shakespeare - Lesson 4 - Writing Up Notes PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Searching for Shakespeare - Lesson 4 - Writing Up Notes PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In the fourth lesson of the 'Searching for Shakespeare' series, students are taught the valuable skill of transforming their notes into well-structured, standard English prose. The objective is clear: to learn the process of converting rough notes into a polished final piece of writing. This skill is essential not just for the study of literature, but across all areas of education where note-taking and reporting are required. The lesson uses the example of notes taken on the life of the famous author Charles Dickens to illustrate the transformation process.

The lesson outlines a series of transformation tools to guide students in their writing. These tools include using standard English, converting numbers into words, expanding abbreviations into full words or phrases, spelling words correctly, and constructing complete sentences with appropriate punctuation. By applying these tools, students are encouraged to turn their bullet-point notes into a coherent paragraph. An example is provided, showing how fragmented notes about Charles Dickens can be turned into a narrative account of his early life and challenges. Students are then tasked with applying these tools to their own notes on William Shakespeare, with the aim of producing a paragraph that they can proudly read aloud to the class.