Searching for Shakespeare - Lesson 3 - Making Notes from Multimodal Texts PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Searching for Shakespeare - Lesson 3 - Making Notes from Multimodal Texts PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The third lesson in the 'Searching for Shakespeare' series delves into the skill of making notes from multimodal texts. Multimodal texts are those that utilise a blend of different elements such as images, sound, and written words, which can be found across various platforms including websites, CD ROMs, computer games, and even magazines. The objective of the lesson is to equip students with the ability to extract and jot down key information from these rich and varied sources. Students are encouraged to identify and consider a range of multimodal texts and think about the diverse methods these texts use to convey information, such as combining words with moving images, sound, colour, and a variety of visual elements.

The lesson includes practical tasks where students watch a YouTube clip about Shakespeare's life and times, sharpening their focus to capture essential facts about his personal and professional life. They are prompted to quickly organise their notes, using methods like spider diagrams or bullet points, to ensure they efficiently document important details. After the video, students work with a partner to compare notes, discussing any discrepancies and reflecting on why certain information might have been overlooked. This collaborative review helps them understand the challenges and differences in making notes from multimodal texts compared to other types of texts, emphasising the importance of attentiveness and quick thinking when dealing with dynamic and interactive content.

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