Searching for Shakespeare - Lesson 2 - Making Notes PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Searching for Shakespeare - Lesson 2 - Making Notes PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Searching for Shakespeare" lesson plan, specifically the second lesson on making notes, is designed to enhance students' research skills by teaching them how to create linear and diagrammatic notes from written texts. The objective is for students to learn to distil information into concise, useful formats that aid memory retention and understanding. The lesson underscores the importance of notemaking as an alternative to copying text verbatim, which is discouraged due to the risk of plagiarism. Instead, students are guided to select relevant information and process it, which is more likely to lead to genuine comprehension of the subject matter.

During the lesson, students are presented with two primary methods of notemaking: linear notes, which are sequential and often use bullet points to organize information into categories; and diagrammatic notes, which involve creating visual representations like spider diagrams to help remember facts. Both methods are explored to allow students to choose which works best for them. The task involves making notes on William Shakespeare's personal and professional life, using either linear or diagrammatic formats. After completing the notes, students are encouraged to share their work with the group, discuss their chosen notemaking style, and reflect on their reasons for their choice. This interactive plenary session may also include creating a note-making poster for classroom display, reinforcing the lesson's concepts and encouraging collaborative learning.