Bonfire Night Non Fiction - Lesson 2 - The Guide PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Bonfire Night Non Fiction - Lesson 2 - The Guide PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In this English teaching resource, the objective is set for students to create an informative leaflet that guides visitors through a Bonfire Night event. The task requires students to think critically about the essential information needed for a successful and enjoyable experience at the event. The leaflet, which will be folded for convenience, must include a map that clearly marks important locations such as car parks, first aid stations, firework display areas, and refreshment stands. To begin, the class will engage in a discussion to brainstorm and decide on the key elements that should be incorporated into the guide.

As part of the lesson, students are encouraged to study example guide leaflets provided in the PowerPoint slides to understand the type of information typically included and how it is presented. This analysis will help them in designing their own leaflets to be both informative and visually appealing. The guide leaflet they create should be easy to read and follow, utilizing colours and imagery that are evocative of Bonfire Night to enhance the visual appeal. The task is not only an exercise in providing practical information but also in design, requiring students to balance clarity with creativity to produce a guide that is both functional and engaging for those attending the Bonfire Night event.

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