A Christmas Carol - Lesson 8 - A New Man PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
A Christmas Carol - Lesson 8 - A New Man PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this engaging lesson from Teacher-of-Primary.com, students delve into Stave 5 of "A Christmas Carol" to explore the profound transformation of the central character, Ebenezer Scrooge. The lesson's objectives are to read and discuss the final stave and to understand how Charles Dickens skillfully completes Scrooge's metamorphosis from a miserly old man to a figure of generosity and goodwill. The students are encouraged to read to the end of the book and identify specific examples of Scrooge's change in behaviour, particularly in his interaction with his clerk, Bob Cratchit, such as offering him a raise—a stark contrast to his previous penny-pinching ways.

Students are then challenged to test their understanding of the text with a series of thought-provoking questions. These include considering why the final stave is aptly titled "The End of It," identifying quotes that illustrate Scrooge's newfound happiness, and analysing the use of similes and the effect of word repetition. They are also asked to reflect on the religious elements Dickens incorporated into the story and how Scrooge's character has evolved throughout the text. To deepen their comprehension and empathy, students are tasked with writing a letter as if they were Scrooge, apologising to a character they have wronged and promising to make amends, thus embodying the spirit of transformation that is at the heart of this classic Christmas tale.