A Christmas Carol - Lesson 7 - Christmas Yet to Come- Lesson Plan

Year 5 - Year 6
A Christmas Carol - Lesson 7 - Christmas Yet to Come- Lesson Plan
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this seventh lesson focusing on Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," Year 6 students will delve into the transformation of Ebenezer Scrooge through the use of language in Stave Four. The learning objective is to understand how Dickens crafts Scrooge's character development as the plot unfolds. To achieve this, the lesson will involve reading and discussing the relevant sections of the text, followed by targeted comprehension activities designed to assess the students' grasp of the material.

The lesson begins with a starter activity where the class reads up to Scrooge's encounter with the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. This sets the stage for a discussion about the plot, characters, and themes present in the narrative. The main teaching activity includes a focused examination of the 'Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come' section, where students will read to the end of Stave Four and engage in a dialogue about their findings. They will then answer 'Christmas Yet to Come' comprehension questions to further their understanding. For those ready to go beyond the expected outcomes, an extension task invites them to add extra points to a paragraph about the ghost. The lesson concludes with a plenary where students share and discuss their answers, allowing for feedback and a collective review of the concepts covered.