A Christmas Carol - Lesson 5 - The Ghost of Christmas Past Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
A Christmas Carol - Lesson 5 - The Ghost of Christmas Past Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In Lesson 5 of 'A Christmas Carol', students are tasked with delving into the character of Ebenezer Scrooge through his interactions with the Ghost of Christmas Past. To demonstrate a detailed understanding, pupils are required to write about Scrooge's emotions, seek out textual evidence that reflects his feelings, and articulate what this evidence discloses about his character. This analytical exercise helps students to develop their ability to interpret literature and support their interpretations with direct references from the text.

The worksheet follows a 'Point, Evidence, Explain' structure, guiding students to make a point about Scrooge's emotional state, such as 'Scrooge is upset', and then to substantiate this observation with evidence from the narrative. After identifying the relevant passage, students must explain how the chosen excerpt illuminates Scrooge's feelings and what it suggests about his personality or the changes he is undergoing. This practice encourages a deeper engagement with the text and enhances critical thinking skills, as students learn to use evidence to explain character development within the story.