A Guide to Descriptive Writing - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
A Guide to Descriptive Writing - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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A PowerPoint presentation titled "A Guide to Descriptive Writing" serves as an educational resource designed to enhance the descriptive writing skills of students from KS2 to GCSE level. The presentation emphasizes the importance of understanding the Purpose, Audience, and Form (P.A.F.) before commencing any piece of writing. It guides students through the process of identifying these elements, using an example of a writing competition aimed at a panel of peers, and instructs them to write a description of a place. The resource underscores the necessity of good spelling, punctuation, and grammar, while also focusing on the structure of descriptive writing to ensure the work is well-organised and effectively conveys the intended imagery.

The presentation provides a detailed plan for structuring descriptive writing into five paragraphs, beginning with setting the scene and progressing through zoomed-in descriptions of various elements within the scene. Each paragraph is meant to vividly bring to life a specific aspect of the scene using rich vocabulary and literary devices, while appealing to multiple senses. The final paragraph serves as a conclusion, offering a sense of closure without veering into narrative writing. The presentation concludes by setting a task for students to apply what they've learned, encouraging them to produce their own descriptive piece using the five-paragraph plan and to avoid clichés for a more original and engaging description.

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