Identifying Genre - PowerPoint
English Resource Description
The concept of genre is essential to categorising books into specific groups based on their content and style. A PowerPoint presentation, aimed at educating students, focuses on understanding what a genre is and how to identify the genre of a book. The objectives set out in the presentation include learning the definition of 'genre' and becoming adept at recognising different genres. Students are encouraged to use a worksheet to list as many book genres as they can, providing definitions for each to demonstrate their understanding.
The presentation guides students through various book genres, offering examples and definitions to clarify each one. For instance, students learn that a genre might include stories with magical or fantastical elements such as talking animals or magic, which is typical of fantasy. They also explore science fiction, where elements of science and technology, like space and time travel, are integral to the plot. Other genres discussed include autobiography, historical fiction, non-fiction, mystery, and traditional stories like folktales and fairy tales. The presentation also highlights that some books can span multiple genres, such as a science fiction mystery, and it prompts students to use visual clues like book covers to deduce a book's genre.