Writing for Different Audiences - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Writing for Different Audiences - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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Teaching resources focused on "Writing for Different Audiences" aim to educate students on how the intended audience of a text significantly influences its composition. The objective of these resources is to impart understanding on the ways in which audience consideration shapes the layout, vocabulary, and inclusion of images within a piece of writing. The material encourages students to reflect on what the term 'audience' entails and to identify various examples of audiences they may write for, ranging from peers to authoritative figures.

Throughout the lessons, students are prompted to think about the audience before beginning any writing task. Recognising that the audience could be as diverse as parents, younger pupils, or even the Prime Minister, students learn to tailor their writing style to suit the intended reader. This concept is illustrated through exercises such as writing two different postcards home from a holiday in Egypt, addressing one to a best friend and the other to a grandmother. Further activities involve analysing texts to determine their target audience, examining evidence in the language, layout, and imagery used. The culmination of the lesson is a plenary session where students share their findings and discuss how their decisions about the audience have influenced their writing.

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