Writing Fiction - Creating Characters - PowerPoint

Year 6
Writing Fiction - Creating Characters - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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The educational resource 'Creating Characters' is designed to enhance the fiction writing skills of Year 6 students, focusing on the development of fictional characters within their compositions. This resource takes students through the process of character creation by analysing the techniques used by Charles Dickens in 'Great Expectations'. Students are encouraged to observe how Dickens crafts the character of Magwitch through vivid description, impactful dialogue, and revealing actions. By examining an extract from the novel, students learn to discern the impressions these literary techniques create and how they contribute to the reader's understanding of a character's persona.

Building on this analysis, the resource guides students to create their own characters by considering various aspects such as age, nationality, personal history, and physical appearance. A character profile template is provided to help students systematically approach character development. The lesson then delves into the significance of each profile element and how it shapes the reader's perception. Students are tasked with writing a paragraph that introduces their character, using description, dialogue, and action to bring their creation to life. This exercise aims to spark the reader's curiosity and engage them with a compelling character. The resource concludes with an opportunity for students to share their work and receive feedback, thus refining their writing and characterisation skills.

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