War Horse Links

Year 5 - Year 6
War Horse Links
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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For educators looking to delve deeper into the themes and historical context of "War Horse," a variety of resources are available to enhance the teaching and learning experience. These include engaging materials such as the official website for the stage adaptation of "War Horse," which offers educational insights. Additionally, to capture the cinematic interpretation, the film trailer can be a useful visual tool to introduce students to the story's dramatic elements. Teachers can also access additional teaching resources to support their lesson plans, providing a well-rounded approach to exploring the narrative and its significance.

Furthermore, the author of "War Horse," Michael Morpurgo, provides valuable perspectives on the importance of remembering the First World War. His insights can be a powerful way to connect students with the historical events that inspired the story and to foster a deeper understanding of the impact of war on both humans and animals. These resources not only complement the teaching of "War Horse" but also enrich students' appreciation of the literary work and its place in commemorating history.

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