War Horse Lesson 12: War is Over - The End of the Story Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
War Horse Lesson 12: War is Over - The End of the Story Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In the concluding lesson 12 of the 'War Horse' series, students are tasked with filling out a table of events for the final chapters, 17 through 21. This exercise is designed to help them understand and summarise the climax and resolution of the story. They will need to identify the main characters present in each chapter and outline the key events that occur. This activity not only aids in comprehension but also encourages students to reflect on the narrative arc and the fate of the characters as the tale of 'War Horse' comes to a close.

The worksheet serves as a tool for students to demonstrate their reading and analytical skills. By completing the table, they will be able to track the progression of the story and the development of the characters during the concluding stages of the war. This exercise is an effective way to wrap up the reading of 'War Horse', ensuring that students have a thorough understanding of how the story ends and the overarching message about the impact of war. It is a reflective task that allows for a comprehensive review of the novel's final chapters.

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