War Horse Lesson 10: Goodbye, Old Man - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
War Horse Lesson 10: Goodbye, Old Man  - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Lesson Ten of the 'War Horse' series, titled "Goodbye, Old Man," is an engaging session that aims to deepen students' understanding of the novel by Michael Morpurgo. The lesson's primary objectives include consolidating knowledge through an interactive game called 'Pick a Number', reading and discussing chapters 15 and 16 of the book, and analysing the author's techniques for creating drama and tension within the narrative. This educational experience is designed to encourage students to think critically about the text and the author's stylistic choices, enhancing their analytical skills and appreciation of literature.

The lesson further delves into the intricacies of literary tension by exploring specific elements that contribute to the dramatic atmosphere of Chapter 15. Students are prompted to consider how Morpurgo uses words, phrases, sentence structures, and punctuation to heighten the sense of urgency and suspense. They are supported in this analysis with sentence starters and guided questions that facilitate the writing of a paragraph explaining the author's methods for building tension. The plenary session provides an opportunity for students to share their insights by reading out their paragraphs, thereby reinforcing their understanding and ability to articulate the ways in which Morpurgo crafts a compelling narrative in 'War Horse'.

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Part of a lesson by Teacher of Primary