Skellig Lesson 8: Foreshadowing - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Skellig Lesson 8: Foreshadowing - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In Lesson Eight, students delve into the literary device of foreshadowing within the context of David Almond's novel 'Skellig'. The objective is to understand the technique's usage and its significance in the narrative. The lesson starts with a discussion about secrets, prompting students to consider why the protagonist, Michael, reveals his secret to a stranger on the bus, as they read up to the end of Chapter 11. This sets the stage for exploring the concept of foreshadowing, which is defined as a literary tool that hints at future events, often suggesting the possibility of something negative that is yet to occur.

The focus of the lesson is on Chapter 12, where students are tasked with identifying instances of foreshadowing and analyzing their effects on the story. For example, the text refers to the family doctor as 'Doctor Death', a moniker that ominously hints at the seriousness of the baby's condition. The lesson encourages students to engage with the text closely, seeking out examples of foreshadowing and considering how they contribute to building suspense and engaging the reader. Sentence starters are provided to assist students in writing a paragraph that explains how and why Almond employs this technique. The lesson concludes with a plenary where volunteers share their findings, fostering a collaborative and reflective learning environment.

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