Skellig Lesson 6: Powerful Verbs - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Skellig Lesson 6: Powerful Verbs - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson Six of a series on the novel "Skellig" by David Almond, students are invited to delve deeper into the text with a focus on the author's use of powerful verbs. The objectives of the lesson are twofold: to solidify students' understanding of the plot and characters, and to explore how powerful verbs contribute to the narrative. The lesson begins with an interactive 'Verbs Game' to refresh students' knowledge of what verbs are and how they function within a sentence. This sets the stage for a more in-depth analysis of the text.

During the lesson, students are tasked with reading chapters eight to ten of "Skellig", paying particular attention to the verbs used by Almond. A 'Verb Detective' activity encourages them to underline or highlight the verbs in a given paragraph, which vividly describes a character eating with a focus on the sensory experience. This exercise not only helps students identify verbs but also prompts them to consider the author's choice of verbs and the impressions they create of the character Skellig. Following this, students are asked to discuss the effect of these verbs on their perception of Skellig's actions and sounds. The lesson culminates with a creative writing challenge where students use powerful verbs to describe a dynamic scene, such as a fire, storm, or earthquake. The plenary gives students the opportunity to share their work and receive constructive feedback.