Skellig Lesson 22: Names and Endings - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Skellig Lesson 22: Names and Endings - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson Twenty Two of the 'Skellig' unit, the objective is to delve into the character development of Michael, the protagonist in David Almond's novel. The lesson encourages students to explore how the author shapes Michael's character throughout the story. To kick off the lesson, the class discusses the idiom 'A leopard never changes its spots', pondering its meaning and whether it holds true in real life. Students are invited to consider examples from their own experiences or public figures who either embody or contradict this saying, fostering a lively debate on the potential for personal change and growth.

The lesson then shifts focus to the character of Michael, prompting students to reflect on his transformation from the beginning of the novel to its conclusion. They are tasked with comparing Michael's initial portrayal in Chapter 1 to the person he becomes by the end of the story, analysing the literary techniques David Almond uses to illustrate this evolution. To consolidate their understanding, students write a page on Michael's character development, using provided sentence starters to structure their thoughts. The session wraps up with a plenary where volunteers read their work aloud, and the class engages in peer review, offering praise and suggestions for improvement based on specific criteria.

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