Skellig Lesson 14: Spooky Tales - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Skellig Lesson 14: Spooky Tales - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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Lesson Fourteen in the series on David Almond's "Skellig" invites students to delve into the realm of the supernatural. The objectives for this lesson are twofold: firstly, to engage students in telling spooky stories as a way of practising spoken English, and secondly, to carry out research on the subject of angels. The lesson begins with a discussion on the supernatural elements within Michael's experiences in the story. Students are encouraged to share their own eerie tales, with the classroom atmosphere enhanced by turning off the lights to set the mood for storytelling.

As part of the lesson, students are given the opportunity to watch a spooky story about a haunted house, although it is noted that the content may not be suitable for younger audiences. The lesson also includes a reading segment where students read up to the end of Chapter 24 of "Skellig", followed by a discussion on the plot, characters, imagery, and themes. The research task is a key component, prompting students to use library resources to investigate various aspects of angels, such as their appearance, the etymology of the word 'angel', the beliefs about angels in different religions, and the roles and types of angels. Students are also tasked with uncovering stories about angels. This comprehensive research task is designed to be completed as homework in preparation for the next lesson.

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