Romeo & Juliet Lesson 6: Here Come the Boys! - Lesson Plan

Year 5 - Year 6
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 6: Here Come the Boys! - Lesson Plan
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In Lesson 6 of a comprehensive Shakespeare study series focusing on "Romeo and Juliet," students are set to delve into Act 1, Scene 5 with the aim of developing their knowledge and understanding of Shakespeare's use of language. The learning objective for this particular lesson is to dissect and interpret the language within the scene, which sets the stage for the iconic moment when Romeo and Juliet first meet. The lesson will achieve this through a combination of discussion, analysis, and written tasks specifically designed to assess students' grasp of the text.

Students are expected to demonstrate varying degrees of understanding by the end of the lesson. At the basic level, they must convey a fundamental comprehension of the language used in the scene. Those who should attain a sound knowledge will go further in their analysis, while students who could reach a detailed understanding will offer in-depth insights into Shakespeare's linguistic techniques. The lesson is structured to cater to different learning needs through differentiation opportunities, such as editing the PowerPoint presentation, personalising tasks, and finding the right balance between teacher guidance and independent learning. The session starts with a 10-minute reading and discussion of Act 1, Scene 5, followed by a 40-minute main teaching activity that includes a 'Light and Dark' activity and a 'Love at First Sight' task, with additional extension tasks for those who finish early. The lesson concludes with a 10-minute plenary where students feedback and discuss their responses.

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