Romeo & Juliet Lesson 25: Women in Elizabethan England - Capulet and Juliet Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 25: Women in Elizabethan England - Capulet and Juliet Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The worksheet on Capulet and Juliet from "" encourages students to analyse the language used in a segment of dialogue from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet", focusing particularly on the theme of women in Elizabethan England. The first task asks students to identify words and phrases that convey violence and anger, which are evident in Capulet's harsh reprimands towards Juliet. This activity aims to enhance students' understanding of the emotional intensity and authoritarian tone present in the parental language of the era.

Further questions prompt students to consider the nature of parent-child relationships during Shakespeare's time, as depicted by Capulet's speech. They are invited to reflect on the implications of Capulet's words when he expresses a sense of being cursed by his only child, Juliet, which he initially considered a blessing. This change in sentiment provides a window into the historical attitudes towards women and children, particularly the expectations of obedience and the low value often placed on daughters in Elizabethan society. The analysis of Capulet's lamentation about his daughter's disobedience allows students to explore the complex dynamics of familial duty and gender roles within the context of the play.