Romeo & Juliet Lesson 20: The Marriage - Friar Lawrence and the Wedding Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 20: The Marriage - Friar Lawrence and the Wedding Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Romeo & Juliet Lesson 20: The Marriage" worksheet focuses on the pivotal moment in Shakespeare's play where Friar Lawrence is approached by Romeo to perform his marriage to Juliet. Students are tasked with exploring Friar Lawrence's initial reaction to Romeo's unexpected request, analysing his motivations for agreeing to officiate the wedding despite potential misgivings. The worksheet encourages a deeper understanding of the character's complexities and the themes of the play.

Additionally, the worksheet prompts students to identify and consider the significance of Friar Lawrence's phrases in Act 2, scene 6, that hint at future tragedies, a literary device known as foreshadowing. Students must also reflect on the counsel Friar Lawrence imparts during the wedding ceremony, evaluating its wisdom and pondering whether the impulsive young lovers are likely to heed his words. Through these questions, learners are invited to engage critically with the text, developing their analytical skills and gaining insight into the play's dramatic structure and character development.