Romeo & Juliet Lesson 19: Romeo and the Nurse - Lesson Plan

Year 5 - Year 6
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 19: Romeo and the Nurse - Lesson Plan
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The lesson plan for Lesson 19, focusing on "Romeo and the Nurse," aims to deepen students' knowledge and understanding of Act Three from Shakespeare's timeless tragedy, "Romeo and Juliet." The learning objective is clear: to consolidate students' grasp of the plot developments in this crucial act. To achieve this, the lesson employs a combination of discussion, a cloze exercise, and a storyboard task, each designed to cater to different learning styles and reinforce the students' comprehension of the narrative.

To assess progress, the cloze exercise and storyboard task serve as both learning activities and evaluative tools, with expected outcomes ranging from a basic to a detailed understanding of Act Three's plot. The lesson is structured to begin with a 10-minute starter activity where students recap the story thus far, ensuring everyone is on the same page. The main teaching activity spans 40 minutes, divided equally between the cloze exercise and the storyboard task, with an extension activity available for those who are ready to challenge themselves further by writing a synopsis of Act Three without aid. Differentiation opportunities are embedded throughout the lesson, allowing for edits and adaptations to the PowerPoint presentation, task personalisation, and a balance between teacher guidance and independent learning. The lesson concludes with a 10-minute plenary where students can share their cloze responses and selected volunteers present their storyboards, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning environment.

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