The Demon Headmaster - Lesson 4 - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
The Demon Headmaster - Lesson 4 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The fourth lesson of "The Demon Headmaster" delves into the themes of hypnotism, power, and control as depicted in the book by Gillian Cross. Students are prompted to explore how the headmaster exerts control over pupils and teachers through hypnotism. They are encouraged to share their understanding of hypnotism and watch a short film to deepen their knowledge. The lesson continues with a focused reading and discussion of Chapter Five, titled "Assembly – Keep Out." Students are guided through a series of questions that probe into the characters' actions and motivations, the odd behavior of the prefects, and the headmaster's ominous comparison to a bird of prey. These discussions help students to analyze the text and comprehend the underlying power dynamics at play within the story.

In addition to comprehension, the lesson also emphasizes the literary technique of building tension. Gillian Cross's use of tension is highlighted to show how it keeps readers engaged with the story. Students are tasked with identifying events that contribute to the rising tension in a particular scene and plotting these on a 'tension graph' to visually represent the suspense in the narrative. The plenary involves students explaining how Cross builds tension, using references from the text and their own 'tension graph' as evidence. This analytical activity not only enhances their understanding of the story's plot but also hones their ability to recognize and interpret literary devices.

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