The Demon Headmaster - Lesson 3 - Making Inferences Worksheets

Year 5 - Year 6
The Demon Headmaster - Lesson 3 - Making Inferences Worksheets
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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English Teaching Resources have developed a series of worksheets aimed at enhancing students' inferential comprehension skills. One such worksheet presents a scenario involving a character named Ava, who displays frustration after a football game. Students are tasked with reading the text and answering questions that require them to infer Ava's emotions, activities, and the potential reasons for her behaviour, all while supporting their answers with evidence from the text. The exercise is designed to help students delve beyond the surface of the narrative to understand character motivations and emotions.

Another worksheet focuses on a character named Leo, who is surprised by his performance on a spelling test. Students must read the given text and make inferences about Leo's feelings, the outcome of his spelling test, and his usual experiences with such tests. The worksheet encourages critical thinking, as students must interpret subtle cues within the text to draw conclusions. Similarly, a scenario with Oliver and his reaction to his mother's homemade tomato soup serves as a basis for students to make inferences about his opinions, feelings towards his mother, and the dynamics of their relationship. These exercises are designed to foster students' ability to read between the lines and understand deeper meanings in texts.

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