A Midsummer Nights Dream Lesson 7: Bottom's Up! - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
A Midsummer Nights Dream Lesson 7: Bottom's Up! - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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"A Midsummer Night's Dream" is a timeless play by William Shakespeare that continues to captivate audiences with its blend of magic, love, and comedy. In a particular lesson titled "Bottom's Up!", students delve into Act 3, Scene 1, with a focus on the character of Nick Bottom. The lesson aims to enhance students' understanding and appreciation of Shakespeare's work by reading and discussing this central scene. They are encouraged to explore how Shakespeare presents Bottom, a character known for his comedic value and pivotal role in the play's unfolding events.

The educational journey includes activities such as translating Shakespearean vocabulary into modern English, aiding comprehension and allowing students to engage more deeply with the text. They are challenged to consider words like "abhor" and "vile" and their contemporary equivalents. Additionally, students are tasked with writing a diary entry from Bottom's perspective, recounting the peculiar occurrences in the forest, using the first person narrative and personal pronouns to create an imaginative and vivid description of events up to Act 3, Scene 1. The lesson concludes with a plenary where volunteers share their diary entries and discuss the dramatic purpose behind Shakespeare's portrayal of contrasting characters falling in love, examining the intended effects of these narrative choices.

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