Charlotte's Web - Lesson 15: Wilbur's Happy Ending - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Charlotte's Web - Lesson 15: Wilbur's Happy Ending - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson Fifteen of an English teaching resource, students are invited to explore the final chapter of the classic children's novel "Charlotte's Web". The objective of the lesson is twofold: firstly, to read and discuss Chapter Twenty Two, which brings the story to its conclusion, and secondly, to compose a book review that encapsulates their thoughts and feelings about the book as a whole. This lesson offers a chance for students to engage with the text critically, reflecting on the plot, characters, and their personal reactions to the story's ending.

During the lesson, students are encouraged to delve into the resolution of the narrative and express whether they found the ending satisfactory, providing reasons for their opinions. They are also prompted to consider if there are any aspects of the ending that could have been improved and to suggest possible alterations. The main activity involves writing a book review, with helpful sentence starters provided to guide the students' writing. This review is an opportunity for them to articulate what they enjoyed about the story, identify their favourite parts, discuss the central themes, and recommend the book to potential readers, explaining why it would appeal to them. This task not only helps students to consolidate their understanding of the novel but also to practice their analytical and writing skills.

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