Verb Tenses - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Verb Tenses - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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English Teaching Resources provide a comprehensive lesson on verb tenses, aimed at helping learners understand how the spelling and form of a verb changes based on the time of the action. The lesson introduces verbs as 'doing words' that describe actions or states of being. Students are taught to identify verbs in their various tenses: past, present, and future. The past tense indicates an action that has already occurred, such as 'jumped' from 'jump'. Students practice converting verbs to the past tense, noting that while some verbs simply require the addition of '-ed', others undergo more significant spelling changes, like 'catch' becoming 'caught'.

The present tense, indicating an action that is currently happening, is formed by adding '-ing' to the base verb, as in 'jumping'. Again, students are encouraged to practice this transformation, with attention to verbs that require slight spelling adjustments in this tense. The future tense, which signals an action that will occur, is formed by adding 'will' before the verb, or using 'going to' with the verb, such as 'will jump' or 'is going to jump'. Worksheets are provided for each tense, where students underline the correct tense to complete sentences and convert verbs into their future forms. The resource also includes exercises for identifying the tense of verbs within sentences, ensuring a thorough understanding of verb tenses and their correct usage in writing and speech.

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