Room on the Broom - Lesson 6 - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Room on the Broom - Lesson 6 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The sixth lesson in the "Room on the Broom" series encourages students to engage with the story's conclusion through prediction and reflection. The objectives of the lesson are twofold: firstly, to predict the ending of the story, and secondly, to read and write about the final part of the narrative. Students are prompted to consider whether the ending will be happy or sad and to discuss their predictions about the story's outcome. This anticipatory activity sets the stage for a deeper understanding and connection with the text.

After making predictions, the class reads the final segment of the story together, discussing the events and the message behind the tale. Volunteers are invited to recap the ending, using pictures as visual aids to reinforce their memory and comprehension. The lesson also includes a story recap worksheet, where students use a provided word bank to write about what is happening in the story. This exercise not only reinforces their understanding of the story's events but also encourages them to use descriptive language and expand their vocabulary. The lesson aims to foster literacy skills while exploring the themes and messages of "Room on the Broom."