'Mice Twice' read by Ty Burrell

Year 1 - Year 6

English Resource Description

'Mice Twice' is written and illustrated by Joseph Low and read by Ty Burrell. Cat and Miss Mouse become involved in a round of uneasy hospitality when Miss Mouse accepts Cat’s dinner invitation. While Cat expects her to walk right into his trap, Miss Mouse outsmarts him by asking her close friend Dog to join her. The animals perform a literal game of cat-and-mouse through dinner invitations, continuously amping up their efforts until a hilarious and fitting conclusion results. Mice Twice is a charming, funny and thoughtful fable about friendship, cleverness, irony, self-awareness and manners. View the teacher activity guide here: http://bit.ly/tg_micetwice View the parent activity guide here: http://bit.ly/pg_micetwice Watch all of our videos at http://www.storylineonline.net/.