The Planets! Facts About Our Solar System for Kids

Nursery - Year 5
The Planets! Facts About Our Solar System for Kids
Kids Learning Videos
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Science Resource Description

Learn about the planets in our solar system! This video proves some fun facts about each planet that children will love. Preschoolers and toddlers can enjoy pictures and video of the planets while learning about these celestial bodies.CAPTIONS: The Planets!Mercury: Mercury is closest to the sun. Because it is so close to the sun, a year in Mercury is only 88 Earth days. Mercury has wrinkles! It has a molten iron core that cooled down, making the outside contract and look all wrinkly.Venus: Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system, and there are more volcanoes on Venus than any other planet. A day on Venus lasts 243 Earth days, while a year lasts only 224 days! This is because it takes Venus longer to spin all the way around than it does for it to go around the sun.Earth: Our planet Earth is the only planet not named after a Roman god or goddess. People used to believe that the Earth was the center of the universe. It wasn’t until the 1500s that Copernicus realized that the sun was the center of everything.Mars: On Mars, the sun looks only half as big as it does on Earth. Did you know that Mars is nicknamed the red planet? This is because it is covered in rust-colored dust. This is the same dust causes some of the most violent dust storms in the solar system.Jupiter: Jupiter is over 300 times bigger than the earth. And that big red spot? It’s actually a huge storm! A day on Jupiter only lasts 9 hours and 55 minutesSaturn: Did you know that you can see Saturn without a telescope! It looks like a really bright star. With binoculars or a telescope, you can easily study this planet. Saturn’s rings are made up mostly of ice and carbon dust, and it has more than 60 moons orbiting it.Uranus: Did you know that the moons are named after characters written by Shakespeare? It’s also the coldest planet, and is so far away that only one spacecraft has ever flown by Uranus—that was the Voyager 2 in 1986. Neptune: Gravity on Neptune is almost exactly the same as it is on Earth. But if you tried to stand on Neptune, you would sink right to the center because it is just a ball of gas and ice. Neptune does have some of the strongest winds in the solar system—they’re 8 times stronger than the worst hurricane winds on Earth!Thanks for watching!