English Essentials - Next Level Knowledge - Critical Readings Approach to Essays (Stage 6, Years/Grades 11-12)

Art and Design
Year 1 - Year 12
English Essentials - Next Level Knowledge - Critical Readings Approach to Essays (Stage 6, Years/Grades 11-12)
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English Resource Description

In today’s lesson, we’ll show you how to analyse texts using the readings approach. Take your analysis of literature to the next level by applying critical readings and finding deeper meaning in your texts. We’ll guide you through popular literary theories including feminism, postcolonialism and Marxism, and show you how to apply them to texts. Enjoy clear examples from iconic texts like Wuthering Heights by Emil Brontë, ‘Dreamtime’ by Oodgeroo Noonuccal and Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett.Language forms/features: Romanticism, Gothic, kinaesthetic imagery, repetition, connotation, metaphor, irony, epizeuxis, characterisation, dialogue, symbolism