Chemistry Music Video 20: So You Want To Make A Product

8th Grade - 10th Grade
Mark Rosengarten

Science Resource Description

This song describes how you can make products using redox reactions. Synthesis, decomposition and single replacement reactions are detailed here. Music and lyrics copyright 2007 by Mark Rosengarten. All rights reserved. Lyrics: So you want to make a product, but don't know what to do? It's time for me to make another chemical rescue! To make a product that you want, you must have no doubt What reaction makes your product, you have to figure out! You want to make a compound, your choice is really sweet Synthesis reactions make your product dreams complete React elements together that your compound does contain And you can get your product made with very little pain! If magnesium reacts, you know, like crazy with chlorine (That's a gas that's nasty, it's corrosive and it's green) You will get a compound called magnesium chloride That's a synthesis reaction, couldn't botch it if you tried! Synthesis reactions are for making compounds, true But if you want an element, then what else can you do? To make a product that you want, you must have no doubt What reaction makes your product, you have to figure out! Groups 1 and 2 and seventeen are never found when pure They're only found in compounds, and so here is the cure Decomposition breaks a compound up to elements Using this reaction to get products does make sense! If you want some hydrogen, to make a fuel cell car Decomposition is the best reaction, yes, by far Take some water molecules and you can break them down Into hydrogen and oxygen, now you can drive to town! So if an element you want, then decomp is the word But the cost of energy to do it is absurd To make a product that you want, you must have no doubt What reaction makes your product, you have to figure out! Let's say you have a metal in a compound that you need Find a more reactive metal, and do it with some speed! The more reactive metal bumps out the one we want The French name of the reaction? Single replacement! Let's take some copper sulfate, you want the copper out So find an active metal, such as zinc, a chemist shouts The zinc will bond with sulfate, the copper is turned free The reaction is quite simple, we accomplished it with glee! So you made your product, you now know what to do? Next time you need to make one, I leave it up to you To make a product that you want, no longer have a doubt What reaction makes your product is what you figured out!