Dwarf Planet, Wassup? (Pluto Rap) - Science History Rap Battle

11th Grade - 12th Grade
Science With Tom

Science Resource Description

Read the ScienceWithTom blog for more information on Pluto and the video: http://goo.gl/LzQBv1 Read/explain/annotate the lyrics here: http://goo.gl/ToU3Vc This video was conceived of, written, and performed by 5th and 7th graders from KIPP Heartwood Academy in San Jose, California. Please be respectful of their hard work in the comment section below. This project began at one school thanks to a Hewlett Packard Sustainability and Social Innovation Grant (sponsored by Silicon Valley Education Foundation). I was able to expand it thanks to a Kickstarter campaign (known as "Brahe's Battles"). We have now completed five science history battle rap music videos on five topics at five different bay area schools. See in-video credits for more details.
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